9:00 am Worship Service – ALL Ages
10:15-11:15 am Education Hour (unless otherwise noted) – ALL Ages
11:30 am Worship Service – ALL Ages

The Worship services will be identical in content and order. The programming between the services will utilize our whole church building. Children and youth religious education classes will meet during this time, making use of all our classrooms. We will have coffee hour in Kreves Hall during the entire RE hour. Adult Learning programs will be offered in the Learning Center and in the sanctuary. The Adult Learning programming will include opportunities to delve more deeply into our themed ministry topics, UU history, UU theology, justice issues, world religions, science, and more.

Click on Adult Programs for upcoming and ongoing offerings that do not occur Sunday mornings.

Upcoming Adult Learning Offerings

March 24, 2024

Covenant of Right Relations III (Learning Center)
facilitated by the Committee on Shared Ministry (COSM)
The third of three sessions to hear about the revised Covenant of Right Relations. The Covenant of Right Relations is our shared agreement on how we communicate and behave with each other.

Keys to Flourishing and Loving: An Emerging Way – Part 2 (Sanctuary)
An experiential workshop facilitated by Randy Schenkat
Looking at Forces of Destruction that are limiting our collective thriving especially around the unequal use of power. Seeing the traps of our common ways of viewing how the world works. Hearing stories of a new breed of organizations – for profit and non profits that are bringing forth new operating systems which catalyze growth and flourishing of co-workers while being very financially successful. Imagining new possibilities in social justice and vibrant democracy and considering what this might mean for our DUUC voice. Creating structures and practices that enable human flourishing and deepen capacities for a loving world. Resources from workshop.

Randy worked with Winona(MN) Council for Quality for 25+ years
www.winonaworks.com . He has BBA and Special Ed Administration Licensure from UW-Madison and has practiced as a school psychologist, special education teacher and administrator, college professor, and public school and higher education change agent before the Quality Council role.

March 31, 2024
Single service (Easter) – no education hour
April 7, 2024

Science Sunday (Learning Center)
Science Sunday will be led by Scot Salzman who has experience in disaster preparedness. In case the eclipse scheduled for the next day goes VERY BADLY, you will have better ideas of what to do! (JOKE!) Scot’s talk will discuss the importance of preparedness and how FEMA and other groups handle the important task of response to disastrous natural occurrences.

UU Parenting 101 (Sanctuary)
We will touch on the spiritual needs of children, creating rituals at home, how Unitarian Universalism fits into identity development, and how parents and caretakers can prepare themselves for the role as primary religious educator. This workshop is relevant to parents and all caretakers of children.

April 14, 2024

For The Love of Art (Learning Center)
Kerry Freedman and her art students from NIU will offer several art opportunities during the education hour. All adults and children are invited to participate. No artistry skills necessary.

April 21, 2024

Science Sunday (Learning Center)
Electrons, Chemistry and Surfactants: A Soap Story
Joanne Reid will talk to us about a slippery topic: soap! A celebration of electrons how they shaped the world, lit the world, and then cleaned up after themselves.

The Prairie of DuPage UU Church (Starts in the Sanctuary)
facilitated by our Prairie Stewards
On this Earth Day weekend, weather permitting, we will walk the church grounds to explore the workings of our tall grass prairie, discover the diversity of native plant species present and how our outdoor areas are used.
If we have to stay inside we will share pictures and description of the native plants that can be found at DUUC.

April 28, 2024

Article II: What’s Happening to Our 7 Principles? (Sanctuary)
facilitated by Steve Cooper
In June, at the UUA General Assembly, we will be voting on the acceptance of the proposed changes to Article II of the UUA bylaws. In early June our congregation will vote on how we wish our delegates vote at GA. This workshop will touch on why the changes are being proposed and what the changes are and how it differs from the current Article II.